About Us

To shape and satisfy the needs of customers by providing them with innovative dedicated chemical products, manufactured to the highest safety and environmental protection standards, while taking good care of our people.To develop the company’s value by exploring employees’ creativity and potential for innovation, and by continually improving and developing our products.Thanks to being open, engaged and focused on individual development, we are the preferred trading partner enjoying well-established relationships with those around us.

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„Alventa” S.A. is an important company on the European market, manufacturing products for domestic and overseas customers. The products produced are used primarily in the following industrial branches:

  • food industry: refining of edible oils, production of yeasts, meat and fish industry, production of frozen food

  • pet food production

  • agriculture and horticulture

  • chemical industry: metal treatment, production of explosive materials, production of other chemical compounds

  • tanning industry

  • pharmaceutical industry

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The Quality Control Laboratory conducts its analytical work for the production entities of “Alventa” S.A. in the area of tests of raw materials and finished products, as well as interoperational analyses. It also provides services to external customers, using its knowledge and experience in selection of research methods.

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UE Subsidies

Within a framework of the seven-year budgets created, more than half of the EU funds are allocated through five European structural and investment funds. These funds are managed jointly by the European Commission and EU countries. These Funds aim to invest in creation of jobs and a sustainable and healthy European economy and environmental protection.

Part of the financial resources directed to Poland is intended, among others, to support various types of innovative research and development projects aimed at developing and implementing modern pro-ecological solutions, creating and developing research infrastructure, as well as implementing research projects falling within the area of ​​so-called smart specializations.

Alventa SA is one of the Beneficiaries of these Programs. The company has experience in implementing targeted projects. So far, three research and development projects have been implemented under national Programs: INNOTECH 1 (year 2012), Innovative Economy Operational Program 1.4 ( year 2013 ), GEKON 1 (year 2014), and one as part of the Regional Operational Program of the Małopolska Voivodeship – Sub-measure 1.2.2. Research and development infrastructure of enterprises (year 2019).

Currently, under the Regional Operational Program of the Małopolska Voivodship – Sub-measure 1.2.1 Research and development projects of enterprises a project entitled “The development of a new technology for the production of high-purity phosphoric acid is being carried out in Alventa SA, allowing a significant intensification of process efficiency thanks to the innovative method of arsenic removing from the raw material used.”
