
The Polish Leader of Innovation and Development, 2012

Zakłady Chemiczne “Alwernia” S.A. has received the title of the “Regional Leader of Innovation and Development – 2012” in the Małopolska edition of the “Polish Leaders of Innovation and Development – 2012” competition, in the “Large Company” subcategory.

It was the 5th edition of the competition organised by the Foundation for Innovation and Development, under the patronage of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.

The idea of the competition is to promote particularly innovative undertakings and initiatives. The competition is open and it covers the entire country. Its purpose is to promote the idea of innovation and development in society and economy,

One of the main criteria of granting subsidies from the EU in 2007-2013 is the assessment of the innovativeness of projects and entities applying for EU grants. Participation in the competition will contribute to assessing the degree of innovativeness, which may later be used in the procedures as part of applying for EU subsidies.