Electronic grade phosphoric acid (GRADE 3 according to SEMI C36) is a high purity mineral acid. It is mainly used in the production of high-quality electronics such as integrated circuits, semiconductors, liquid crystal displays, and as an admixture in the manufacture of photovoltaic panels or fuel cells.
When treating semiconductors, phosphoric acid is used for wet etching (e.g. together with hydrogen peroxide), cleaning semiconductor wafers, washing away impurities from the metal surface, making them suitable for use in the electronics industry. The phosphoric acid offered by Alventa S.A. has a very low metal content, which makes it an excellent choice for use in etching solutions for semiconductor chips and other sensitive electronic components.
The phosphoric acid obtained at Alventa S.A. is characterized by a low iron content (below 0.1 ppm), which is extremely important in electronics production. The content of other impurities is also controlled during production and in the company’s CleanRoom certified laboratory. Our product meets the stringent standards set by SEMI (Semiconductor Equipment & Materials International) for GRADE 3 phosphoric acid, which guarantees high product quality. Additionally, the quality of electronic phosphoric acid has been confirmed by renowned international laboratories.
The product offered by Alventa S.A. is packed into IBCs as a standard (other packing options are available upon further agreement).